For each gallon of cider, you will need about 8 kg of mixed apples. By using just the juice, ie. no added sugar, the alcohol strength is usually about 6% A.B.V. More than enough for most occasions!
First clean, de-stalk and cut out any bad bits from the apples, then pulp. I use the pulp master and bucket, the apples can be pulped from whole unless very large, then they will need to be cut into smaller pieces. Add a campden tablet and pectolase to the apples in the bucket and pulp. Place the resultant slurry into a sterilised bucket and leave overnight. Next day, put the pulp through a fruit press and collect the juice. Take the S.G. reading and calculate the amount of sugar needed if any. Pour into a sterilised fermentation vessel add a true cider yeast and keep under airlock conditions until fermentation is complete. Check with the hydrometer to ensure the fermentation is complete and not just stuck. The reading should be about 1.000. When this reading is reached (in 2–3 weeks depending on temperature), you will have to decide on the style of cider you are making.
If still, then treat like wine and stabilise with a campden tablet and potassium sorbate, clear and sweeten if required before bottling. Store for at least a month before drinking.
If sparkling, treat like beer (if sweetening is required, use a non fermentable sugar like lactose) and place ½ a level teaspoon full of granulated sugar into each ½ litre beer bottle, (must be able to withstand the pressure generated inside the bottle). Keep in the warm for 2-3 days then place in a cooler place if poss. for another 4 weeks before drinking.